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American Rescue Plan: Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan

Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan

Impacted Students: How will schools and districts identify which students have been most impacted by the pandemic in terms of their learning progress (with a focus on the most vulnerable student populations)?
  • Students not meeting projected growth in ELA using NWEA MAP assessments are the most vulnerable student population. Moreover, students below the MAP 2020 Reading Student Achievement Norms also will be prioritized in the Plan.
Needs: How will schools and districts identify the needs of those students?
  • Internal (MAP and Local Benchmarks) and High Stakes assessment results (Ohio State tests) will be used in the needs assessment as well as diagnostic assessments (KRA-R, OELPS, OELPA, BAS).
Resources and Budget: What resources are available to address those needs?
  • Heggerty, LLI, Study Island and RAZ Kids.
  • Generally, what is the budget for the plan? ESSER dollars will be earmarked in support of this plan.
Approaches: What approaches can best be deployed to address those needs? (This may include approaches such as ending the school year later than scheduled, beginning the new year early, extending the school day, summer programs, tutoring and remote options.).
  • We will begin the school year approximately 4 weeks early, in late July 2021.
  • we will provide high-quality, grade-level content to each student through the use of evidence-based strategies and curricular resources.
  • Utilize evidence-based interventions aligned to critical areas of need based on the Science of Reading, MAP and diagnostics data
  • Tutoring during and after school
Partnerships: Which local and regional partners (such as educational service centers, Information Technology Centers, libraries, museums, after-school programs or civic organizations) can schools and districts engage in supporting student needs?
  • North Central Ohio ESC
  • Central Ohio ESC
  • Americorp
  • COSI
Alignment: How can this plan reinforce and align to other district or school plans, including plans for Student Wellness and Success Funds, improvement plans or graduation plans?
  • All resources and approaches align to the School’s Literacy Plan, which is based on the Science of Reading and Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement.
  • All resources and approaches align to Ohio’s Learning Standards

Social Emotional Well-Being

Social Emotional Well-Being

Educational Solutions Co-managed schools are identifying which students have been most impacted by the pandemic in terms of their social/emotional needs (with a focus on the most vulnerable student populations including but not limited to disengaged students) in the following ways:
  • Student data has been analyzed by building administrators and teaching staff to determine areas of greatest need.
  • The district is integrating, coordinating, and aligning with relevant partners to support this work including ESC’s, State Support Teams and key behavioral health and social services providers. 
  • Schools are collaborating with Children’s Hospital to receive their guidance and materials on SEL for school use.
  • Elementary buildings are focused on Morning Meetings and our middle school is focused on Advisory as a way to support staff/student connections and focus on well-being.  
  • The district is planning professional development for the fall of 2021 to strengthen and support the social-emotional needs of our staff and students.

Special Education Considerations

Special Education Considerations

Medically Fragile Students:
If a student is medically fragile and receives a letter from the doctor stating he/she should not return to face to face school, the district will allow the student to be placed on home instruction. 
Cleaning of Equipment:
 As it pertains to equipment, staff will be provided cleaning cloths that will sanitize the equipment between uses. The staff member can request cleaning supplies from the Special Services Office. 
Possible Accommodations Based on Individual Student Needs:
  • Small group direct instruction 
  • Use of assistive technology 
  • Repetition of concepts 
  • Multi-sensory approach to instruction 
  • Breaks 
  • Extended time 
  • Access to educational assistant 
Recovery Services:
If a student, on an IEP, has not made adequate progress on goals/objectives due to the pandemic (hybrid programming during the 2020-2021 school year) the IEP team can meet to discuss if the student qualifies for recovery services. This may result in extra academic time throughout the school day.